Hiring a Professional HVAC Contractor? 5 Qualities You Should Look For!

November 11, 2019
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When it comes to HVAC repairs and installations, it can be quite tempting to look for a DIY solution online or hire ‘Joe’ the neighborhood handyman. However, that’s probably not a good idea. Sure, you’d save a few bucks, but is it really worth it when you consider the risk of ruining your HVAC system that costs between $4k and $12k?

It’s best to hire a professional HVAC company that prioritizes your safety and will accurately assess any HVAC issues before recommending the best course of action. If you’re currently searching for a professional and reliable HVAC contractor, here are some key qualities to look for.


Look for a company that not only has a team of qualified and experienced technicians but is also committed to honing their skills and updating their knowledge through ongoing training.

Quality of Work

In addition to reading online reviews, ask the company for references and talk to past clients and customers about their experience. If the company you’re considering hesitates or downright refuses to provide references, it’s a sign their quality of work is questionable.

Excellent Service

Does the company you’re considering offer 24-hour emergency service? How long does it take for them to respond, and how long do they take to perform repairs once they’ve been approved? It’s essential to have positive answers to both of these questions before you decide to sign a contact with an HVAC company.

Moreover, you can also tell a lot about the company just by looking at the quality of equipment they use and recommend. Here at Global Heating and Cooling, we only use and recommend the best brands in the industry, including Weil McLain, Unico, Fujitsu, EcoBee, Lennox, and NTI.

Can They Even Serve Your Need?

Different environments require different temperature control systems. Your residential HVAC can’t work for an office space. In fact, even the electrical requirements are going to be different for each HVAC. Your contractor must understand what your energy requirements are, what your energy bills are going to be, and how to fit in your HVAC based on optimal energy consumption.

At Global Heating and Cooling we’re a one-stop solution for all HVAC repairs. Based in Chicago, we’re a reputable HVAC Repair company Chicago that offers the highest-quality HVAC related services, including Boiler Installation Services Chicago. Contact us today to find out more!  

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