Steam Humidifiers: All You Need to Know

October 10, 2019
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Irrespective of age or gender, every person needs clean and pure air to breathe. Clean air is important for your health, lifestyle, overall cleanliness, and even your belongings.

That’s why you need to make sure that your home is free from excessive dust. If there are pets in the house, teach your kids to stay safe from dander and keep themselves clean.

At the same time, you also need to make sure that your heating and cooling appliances aren’t releasing additional dust in the air.

What else can you do? Invest in a good quality steam dehumidifier!

What is a steam dehumidifier?

A steam dehumidifier measures the amount of humidity in the environment using a humidistat. This device is quite similar to a thermometer, except that it senses humidity instead of temperature. As soon as humidity levels reach a certain point, the humidifier takes corrective action immediately.

For example, if the humidity is too low, the humidifier pumps moisture into the room to raise the levels. The furnace first heats the water in the reservoir and converts it into steam. This steam is then dissipated across the room in the form of moisture.

To make sure the air circulated across the room is clean and free from allergens, you can add distilled water instead of tap water to the reservoir.


steam dehumidifier

Why do you need a steam dehumidifier?

Other than adding moisture to the air inside your house, there are numerous other benefits of hiring a service for Steam Humidifier Installation Chicago. Here are some of those:

  1. Your humidifier will only heat water when steam needs to be dispersed. The boiler is not on at all times and will therefore not take up too much of your utility bills.
  2. If you’re worried about the humidifier making too much noise, you can get the one with ultrasonic technology. These are early silent and won’t disrupt your everyday activities.
  3. A steam dehumidifier also warms the air, keeping the cold warmer and more comfortable in winters. This way you might be able to cut down on additional costs of a heater.
  4. If you have a cool mist dehumidifier, there’s no threat of burning and spoilage. There will be no need to worry about the toddler’s safety, if you have any.
  5. There are no chemicals or toxins in the system, therefore the steam would not negatively impact your health.


We won’t recommend you to install steam dehumidifier on your own, owing to the technical nature of the appliance. Get in touch with Global Heating and Heating for all your steam dehumidifier related needs, if you’re based in Chicago. We also offer services to install and repair HVAC systems such as heat pump installation Chicago. Contact us now.

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